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4 Wacky Games To Play With Your Friends

Margaux Gray

This week on Rainy Tuesdays we looked at a bunch of different Wikihows and ended up learning about the crazy game that is Tiddlywinks. This got me thinking about different fun games (including Tiddlywinks) that people could play with their friends! Take a look at them below and let us know if you’ve ever played them.


1. Tiddlywinks

  • This game is the whole reason this article exists. We couldn’t get enough of this incredibly British-sounding game. Shoutout to Adam who called this British beer pong, because it sort of is! This game is often thought of as the grandfather game to beer pong as it began as a Victorian England parlor game.

  • While this game is occasionally considered a simple children’s game due to its origins, it has actually been adapted into a game that requires a lot of strategies. You have to use disks called “squidgers” (yes, really) to shoot a “wink” into a pot or to “squop” another player’s wink. A lot of silly terminologies, but it actually looks like a lot of fun.

  • Whoever has the most “tiddles” (which sort of means points, it’s complicated) at the end of the game wins! It’s hard to explain in writing so definitely check out a video for a better understanding of the gameplay.

2. Go home stay home

  • While not as old and complex as Tiddlywinks, this playground game seems just as entertaining. With a group of five or more players, someone starts as “it”. Whoever is it will choose a “home” which is just a base for everyone to return to. Then the person who is it will close their eyes and count to 50 (or whatever number the group chooses) while everyone else runs and hides.

  • Then the game turns into a mashup between hide-and-seek and tag. Whoever is it will start seeking the other players while they simultaneously try to get back home. If the other players are found and tagged or just tagged while trying to get back home, they are out of the game. Whoever gets home last becomes the next It.

3. Game of graces

  • This game was invented in France in the early 1800s and has since become popular in Germany, and many other places as well. This was originally only played by girls.

  • To play this game you just need at least two players, hoops, and dowels. You could use embroidery hoops and sticks or buy a real Game of Graces kit. Each player has two dowel rods. One player will cross their dowels and put the hoop over them and then pull their dowels apart to launch the hoop towards the other player. The other player will try to catch the hoop before launching it back. This is essentially a slightly more difficult catch.

4. Fictionary

  • Our fourth and final game suggestion is Fictionary. Funnily enough we sort of accidentally played a version of this on our podcast over a year ago. This is also not as old as Tiddlywinks, but it isn’t new either. Way before Cards Against Humanity came out, people used similar gameplay.

  • To play this game the judge for the round picks a random word from the dictionary and reads it out loud to the group. Then, everyone else writes down a fake definition while the judge writes out the real one. Next, the judge reads out loud all of the definitions, and the others try to guess which is the right one. Players get a point for correctly guessing definitions or others incorrectly guessing their fake ones.

So get out there and play some goofy games with your friends. And as always, have a sunny Wednesday!



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